Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Alone .... but not alone

Day 27


Seems like an odd feeling to have when there are 6 other people in the house but that is how I am feeling almost 4 weeks into this pandemic.

Chris "goes" to work.

Ryan, Elisa and Lauren "go" to school.

Kingston and Jadiel do their little boy thing oblivious to what is going on.

At the end of the day everyone "comes home". They put away their laptops, step out of the office and want to relax. And I get that but it just continues my alone time. They all interact with humans outside of this house even if it is by screen or phone at some point during the day. I really don't have that so unless someone is willing to sit and play a game or just talk, I am alone.

I am longing for interaction that doesn't involve discussing gross little boy things or trying to get someone to help pick something up. I miss the periodic lunch out with friends. I miss the bumping into a friend unexpectedly at the store. I miss the small talk I have with cashiers. I miss the adult interaction when picking the little boys up at school.

While I enjoy the peace and quiet of the house before this all started, the extreme of this is overwhelmingly lonely.

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